
Parker Army Run

Monday, October 8th is race day for Michael Parker as he starts his chemo treatment. The Parkers have taken care of the Ann Arbor running, cycling and triathlon community for years and it is our turn to support them. Lets come together this coming Monday and show our support for the Parkers by dedicating your workouts to them. Use the #parkerarmy on social media and Strava. Be sure to tag FB – Parker Performance Training, Twitter – @parker_perform, and Instagram – @parker_performance. Download the Parker Army bib HERE.

If you are free Monday evening join us at AARC – Kerrytown (200 N. Fourth, Ann Arbor, MI 48104) at 6:00pm for a 4-mile run from the store. Bring a small cash donation as we will be getting the Parkers something special to help them out during this time.